
Inexpensive Ideas for celebrating holidays and special events such as birthdays annivesaries etc.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

How to Avoid Halloween Pranks

If you have ever been a victim of Halloween pranks in the past hopefully this post will offer some tips on how to avoid being pranked this year. Halloween pranks are as traditinal as trick or treating. The best offense is a strong defense, I'm not sure why I just said that, but it sure sounded good. First things first if you have a dog, place it in the front of your home. Do this before you go to bed, and after all the trick or treaters have stopped arriving. If the dog is a large dog it may scare away any potential threats. Be sure to secure the dog so that it doesn't harm anyone.

If it's a small dog hopefully it will bark,and alert you of anyone attempting a prank. Inform your neighbors to be on the look out for vandals as well. If you feel it's necessary leave a light on in the front of the house to give the appearance that someone is up. Another good idea would be to park your car in the garage or as close to the house as possible. If you follow this advice it could save time that you might have otherwise spent cleaning up tissue paper and eggshells or something worse.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Get Everything Now

Halloween is getting closer and closer, and all the department stores have aisles dedicated to this Holiday. That includes an aisle full of candy. If you haven't already done so go out now, and get all the supplies you'll need for Halloween night. Be sure that you have enough treats so that you can avoid getting tricked. You don't have to go out, and buy the huge bags for $8 and $9, a few dollars should due just fine. Try to ration out your candy the best you can, don't make the mistake of leaving it unattended and allowing kids to get as much as they want, cause let's face it kids are greedy. In the event that you do run out, follow some advice a friend of mine suggested: step1 take what little change you can scrape together, and buy a couple of Hershey bars, step2 break up the little blocks and then rap them in aluminum foil individually and bam !!!!! you have 6 times the amount you started out with. Yeah I know, pretty ghetto huh.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Got any ideas?

I thought I'd post a few more low budget costume ideas,try cutting a hole in the top of a white pillow case and with a black magic marker place black circles on the front and presto you're a domino LOL. This costume works well for small children. C'mon folks what did u expect from a title like ghettoholiday. If you have any ghetto ideas yourself please feel free to leave a comment

Halloween is near!!!

Hurray,Hurray for All Hallows Eve, which usually means costumes,candy, and of course spooky decorations for the home. Most of us traditionally celebrate by attending Costume Parties, taking the kids through the neighborhood trick or treating, and watching scary movies. These are all fun and are usually in-expensive aside from the cost of costumes. There are a number of places to buy costumes on the net, just simply type "Halloween costumes" in any search engine,and your bound to get some useful results. Of course there's always retail stores like Walmart,K-Mart etc. However finding a unique one of a kind costume might take a little effort. Another place to check out is your local costume store, that is if your town has one. The next alternative of course is creating your own homemade costume. Yes I know it's sounds cheap ,but use your imagination we're not exactly living in a time of economic bliss these days, there's always the classic bed sheet with two holes for the eyes,,(hint bed sheet should probably be white, and don't take the one off your bed).

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The content on this blog will focus on creating inexpensive ways to celebrate holiday's and current events in one's life with out breaking the bank.

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